It’s been a busy month for MWE as CEO Christina Rose travelled all the way to the other side of the world to attend the Hawaikirangi Conference in Aotearoa. The conference focused on the themes of “Hokia te tāhuhu” (“Re-idigenising Ourselves to Tell Our Stories”) and “Poipoia te pōkaitara pūkōrero” (“Building a Global Movement of Indigenous Storytellers”). From keynote speaker Cliff Curtis to a captivating and entertaining conversation hosted by Moana Maniapoto with Temuera Morrison to a number of different panel discussion, all in all, it was a very insightful and comprehensive conference. Furthermore, it brought together the five indigenous networks from all over the world to discuss the current challenges and hardships to create indigenous content but also to share success stories. The goal is to keep telling indigenous stories from their perspective and for their communities and beyond. Mike Jonathan and Paula Whetu Jones among many others shared their inspiring and fascinating films and TV series. The conference also coincided to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Māori TV and it goes without saying that Christina was very honored to be able to attend the conference and connect with a number of people.
A few weeks later in Lille, France, Series Mania kicked off with a bang and a number of broadcasters and producers from Europe and beyond attended to discuss the current TV climate in Europe. The exhibition serves to nurture dialogues with key decision makers, take part in pitching sessions as well as networking and matchmaking events. It brought together producers to meet, mingle and form new partnerships in order to collaborate together on future projects.
Both trips were a success for MWE in order to continue pushing forward the current development slate and we look forward to being able to advance these projects with our great partners to then bring the content to a film and/or TV screen near you.
As always, we want to thank our MWE subscribers for their continued support. For those who haven’t joined the community, we’d ask you to consider becoming a MWE member by subscribing to our channel in order to get access to our content as well as get exclusive updates about the current projects we are working on. Thank you for your support!
